Self-Care for Mom

Moms deserve to unwind, too.

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Dear Moms Everywhere,

You amaze us with everything you do to create magic for those you hold dear. While taking care of others is a mom-priority, it’s very important to take care of yourself as well. This Mother’s Day, practice self-love through self-care. Your loved ones wouldn’t have it any other way! Here are our favorite ideas for a mom-umental day!

Body & Mind – Whether you’re a yoga novice or fluent in Sanskrit, dedicating the time to decompress and re-center your chi can be beneficial for both your body and your mind. Practicing yoga and meditation can be a quick way to reset and refresh your system. Not sure about the whole meditation thing? We definitely recommend you read Unplug: A Simple guide to Meditation for Busy Sceptics and Modern Soul Seekers by Suze Yalof Schwartz. It’s a quick read and great introduction to the practice.

Pamper Yourself – If your version of decompressing falls under the mantra of “Namastay on the couch”, pampering yourself with a face mask, some aromatherapy and a glass of rosé may be more your pace. Pick up a seaweed hydrating mask, a lavender scented candle and a bottle of Band of Roses rosé at your nearest Bartell’s for a perfect, relaxing mom-ent.

This year, take the day to focus on what makes you happy. You’ll emerge refocused, refreshed and able to tackle anything that comes your way!